Skoda Superb iV (2021 year). Manual in english — page 7

Infotainment Columbus › SmartLink
Switching on voice control (Google Voice)
Apple CarPlay
SmartLink offeÙs the ability to display and operate
ŽeÙtified applications from a connected mobile de-
vice in the Infotainment screen.
eÙtifiŽatioÄ may be conditional upon the use of the
latest update to the particular SmartLink application.
Applications include, for example, apps for route
guidance, telephoning, listening to music, etc.
Mobile devices can be connected via a USB cable or
List of available applications
Supported connection types
SmartLink supports the following connection types:
Depending on the duration of operation:
Android Auto
Tap: Return to the menu Apple CarPlay
Apple CarPlay
Hold: Turn on voice control (Siri)
Overview of the SmartLink connection
Display menu
It is not possible to operate the application while
Return to the menu SmartLink
List of running applications
Previously connected device
Display of the last running application in connec-
ted mobile devices
Currently connection device
Display information about SmartLink
Disconnection of the active connection
Settings in SmartLink menu
Connection conditions
Android Auto
General connection conditions
The mobile device supports the type of Smar-
tLink connection Android Auto, Apple CarPlay or
Mobile devices, as well as the type of SmartLink
connection, are supported in the respective mar-
Some connected mobile devices require the mo-
bile device to be “unlocked”.
Conditions for Android Auto
The device to be connected must have Android
Auto connection.
Overview of running applications, phone calls, re-
ceived text messages and the like.
134 Infotainment Columbus › SmartLink
A list of devices, supported regions and applica-
Restriction of the navigation function
tions that support the Android Auto connection
If route guidance is currently being carried out
can be found on the Google, Inc. website.
through Infotainment, this is ended when you start
The Android Auto application needs to be instal-
route guidance in the Apple CarPlay application.
led on the mobile device.
If there is route guidance in the Apple CarPlay appli-
Some applications require the data connection in
cation, it is ended by starting the destination guid-
the mobile device to be turned on.
ance using Infotainment.
Connect the mobile device for the fiÙst time
when the vehicle is stationary.
SmartLink settings
Conditions for Apple CarPlay
The device to be connected must have Apple
Apple CarPlay - Connection via USB
CarPlay connection.
Turn on the Infotainment.
A list of devices, supported regions and applica-
Turn on the mobile device.
tions that support the Apple CarPlay connection
Connect the mobile device to the front USB input
can be found on the Apple Inc website.
using a cable.
Siri voice control is on.
Choose to connect via Apple CarPlay.
The data connection in the mobile device is
Apple CarPlay - Connection via Wi-Fi from Info-
switched on.
Conditions for MirrorLink
Turn on Bluetooth® and Bluetooth® visibility in the
The device to be connected must have MirrorLink
Apple mobile device.
Tap on
Manage mobile devices.
A list of devices and applications that support the
In the displayed list, look for and select the desired
device with the symbol
MirrorLink connection can be found on the web-
sites of Car Connectivity Consorcium®.
Follow the instructions on the Infotainment screen
and ŽoÄfiÙm the Bluetooth® pairing.
The MirrorLink application needs to be installed
on the mobile device.
If another device is connected to the Infotainment,
select the device to be replaced.
Some applications require the data connection in
the connected mobile device to be turned on.
Apple CarPlay - Connect via Wi-Fi from mobile de-
To establish a connection, the following conditions
must be met:
Operation of the running MirrorLink application
The minimum iOS version is 9.
Display of control surfaces at the bottom
No other mobile device can be connected via
Display of control surfaces at the top
Return to the menu MirrorLink
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® functionality is switched on
in the Infotainment system.
In the mobile device, turn on the CarPlay function.
Press and hold the
button on the multifunction
Restriction of the Wi-Fi connection
steering wheel.
In some countries, the Wi-Fi connection is restric-
The Infotainment screen displays a connection
ted for legal reasons. When crossing the border of
message with the name of the Bluetooth® unit of
the country in question, the connection with a mo-
the Infotainment.
bile device connected via Wi-Fi can be ended or
Find available Bluetooth® devices on the phone.
Select the Infotainment Bluetooth® unit.
Find out about ŽouÄtÙû-speŽifiŽ legal restrictions.
If necessary, ŽoÄfiÙm the PIN.
If necessary, switch off the Wi-Fi manually.
In the Infotainment screen, select the connection
Restriction of SmartLink applications while driving
type Apple CarPlay.
For reasons of safety, the operation of some Smar-
Apple CarPlay - Disconnect
tLink applications while driving is not possible or only
In the Apple CarPlay menu, tap on the function
area “ŠKODA”.
Tap on
Infotainment Columbus › Navigation 135
Android Auto - Connection via USB
Turn on the Infotainment.
Navigation announcements
Turn on the mobile device.
Connect the mobile device to the front USB input
Infotainment route guidance takes place using
using a cable.
graphic driving recommendations and navigation an-
Choose to connect via Android Auto.
Android Auto - Connection via Wi-Fi from Info-
The navigation announcements are generated by the
Infotainment system. Navigation announcement
Tap on
mobile devices.
clarity (e.g. road or city name) cannot always be
Select the desired device from the list of available
Repeat the last navigation announcement
Select the Bluetooth®hands-free pÙofile.
Tap on
oÄfiÙm the PIN; enter it if necessary and then
Turn off navigation announcements
Tap on
If another device is connected to the Infotainment,
select the device to be replaced.
From the list of known devices, select the desired
Navigation overviews
device with the symbol.
Display menu
Android Auto - Connect via Wi-Fi from mobile de-
To establish a connection, the following conditions
Map overview
must be met:
The minimum Android version is 5.
No other mobile device can be connected via
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® functionality is switched on
in the Infotainment system.
Find available Bluetooth® devices on the phone.
Select the Infotainment Bluetooth® unit.
If necessary, ŽoÄfiÙm the PIN.
In the Infotainment screen, select the connection
Vehicle position
type Android Auto.
Android Auto - Disconnect
Route view
In the Android Auto
menu, tap “Return to SKO-
End route guidance
Tap on
Display the destination input and route view
MirrorLink - Connection via USB
Turn on the Infotainment.
TÙaffiŽ obstruction
Turn on the mobile device.
Following driving recommendation
Connect the mobile device to the front USB input
using a cable.
Change map orientation
Choose to connect through MirrorLink.
North-facing 2D map
MirrorLink - Disconnect
2D map facing the direction of travel
In the MirrorLink menu, tap on
3D map facing the direction of travel
Tap on
Road signs for the affeŽted route section
Change to another device / connection type
Find destination
Infotainment allows you to switch between currently
connected devices and the connection type.
Centre the map on the vehicle position
Display the settings menu
Tap on
Select the desired device or connection type.
Turn off navigation announcements
Repeat the last navigation announcement
136 Infotainment Columbus › Navigation
Show the default map
Selecting the destination entered via the address
Tap on
Show map with information about range using
electric drive
A menu for entering the destination via the ad-
dress is displayed.
Display map in accordance with the following
Enter the required information.
Auto - Map in day / night mode depending on the
Destination details are displayed with the option of
vehicle lighting currently switched on
starting route guidance.
Day - Map in day mode
List of stored destinations
Night - Map in night mode
Tap on
Show the entire route
End route guidance
Map with information about range using electric
The map shows the estimated range achievable us-
ing the electric drive if using highlighted sections.
Tap on
List of stored destinations
Select category of stored destinations
- Favourites
- Last destinations
- Telephone contact destinations
Selecting the stored destination
Select the category of stored destinations.
Select the desired destination.
Find destination
Destination details are displayed with the option of
starting route guidance.
Recommended destinations
Tap on
Input line
List of recently searched destinations
POI categories
North-facing vehicle position
Tap: search for the selected category
TÙaffiŽ obstruction
Show destination list
Delete the recommended destination
Enter destination via address / fiÄd destination
The view can display up to 5 recommended destina-
Select the destination you are looking for
tions in the following categories:
Enter the details for the destination search.
Destination - home address
Select the desired destination.
Destination - business address
Destination details are displayed with the option of
starting route guidance.
Last destinations
Infotainment Columbus › Navigation 137
Destination alignment depends on the direction in
Show information on the selected route
relation to the current vehicle position. The function-
Set parameters for route calculation
al surface with the destination displays information
about the estimated travel time to the destination.
Route overview
If the vehicle has active online services and there is a
Tap on
tÙaffiŽ obstruction on the route to the destination,
the tÙaffiŽ obstruction icon will be displayed.
Delete the recommended destination
Touch the functional surface for the recommended
destination and swipe left.
Tap on .
Selecting destination by tapping the map point
Tap the desired item or the POI icon in the map.
Information on current vehicle position
Final route destination
Tap: the following menu items can be selected:
Show on map
Stop route guidance
Route stopover
Tap: the following menu items can be selected.
Show on map
Show destination details with the following pos-
Add stopover destination
sible settings:
Destination provided by Infotainment on the
- Save destination as a favourite
- Delete favourites
Tap: the following menu items can be selected.
- Set destination as a starting point for
Show on map
route guidance in demo mode
Start direct route guidance
TÙaffiŽ obstruction on the route
Route calculation
Tap: the following menu items can be selected.
Route calculation
Show on map
Route view
Changing route destinations
In the route overview, it is possible to exchange the
destination and the intermediate destinations with
each other and thus change their order.
Hold the line with the desired destination until the
functional surface for the destination becomes
Move the destination to the desired position and
Current vehicle position
release the functional surface.
Proposed fastest route
The route is re-calculated.
Alternative routes
Overview of traffic density
Destination position
When ŠKODA online services are activated, tÙaffiŽ
15 s time countdown before automatic start of
density information can be displayed in the form of
the route guidance
the following colour scale in the route view F .
Tap: Interrupt time countdown
Low density
High density
Start route guidance
TÙaffiŽ density information is not available
138 Infotainment Columbus › Navigation
Touch operation
Gesture control
Avoiding traffic obstructions
If the function is switched on and the Infotainment
Move map
receives information about a tÙaffiŽ obstruction on
the route from online tÙaffiŽ information, the route is
Infotainment may suggest a detour to avoid tÙaffiŽ
obstructions, depending on the following settings:
Route guidance Tap on Avoid traffic incidents .
Enter destination by
Select the desired menu item.
tapping the map item
Showing information on the destination / waypoint
The status line displays information on the distance
and travel time to the destination, depending on the
following setting.
Route guidance Show information for: .
Select the desired menu item for the destination
Switch 2D/3D map dis-
Showing arrival time information in the destina-
tion / driving time
The status line displays information on the travel
time depending on the following setting.
Route guidance Time display: .
Zoom into the map
Select the desired menu item.
Switching display of couÄtrû-specific speed limits
on / off
When the function is switched on, the country-spe-
ŽifiŽ speed limits are displayed when crossing nation-
al borders.
Route guidance Country information at border crossings.
Zoom out of the map
Switching the display of road signs on motorways
and expressways on / off
When the function is switched on, Infotainment dis-
plays tÙaffiŽ and information signs on motorways and
Route guidance Information signs on motorways and dual
Rotate the map
Switching the fuel warning on / off
When the function is switched on and the fuel sup-
ply reaches the reserve area, a warning message ap-
pears with the option of going to the nearest petrol
Route guidance Fuel warning.
Switching the speed limit warning on / off
Route guidance Road signs.
Infotainment may give incorrect driving recommen-
Set the note type and the value for exceeding the
dations if the road conditions or the tÙaffiŽ do not
permissible speed.
match the navigation data. This can lead to the route
guidance being carried out using a diffeÙeÄt route or
Settings for trailer operation
proposing a change of direction in a one-way street.
To calculate the correct route for trailer operation,
switch on trailer inclusion.
Information for updating the navigation data must be
requested from a ŠKODA partner.
Route guidance Trailer Include trailer.
Infotainment Columbus › Navigation 139
Set the maximum speed for trailer operation to cor-
An update of the navigation database for the cur-
rectly calculate the route time.
rent vehicle position or route destination is availa-
Route guidance Trailer Maximum speed for trailers.
Set the maximum speed for the trailer.
Determining the navigation database version
System information.
Setting navigation announcements
navigation announcements.
Select and set the desired menu item.
Show preferred POI categories
Favourite POI categories are displayed on the map
and provided in the destination search.
Basic functions Define preferred POI categories.
Set favourite categories.
Show charging stations
The charging stations can be displayed on the map.
Tap on Basic functions Set preferred POI categories .
Choose category
Setting home address
The defiÄed destination of the home address is dis-
played in the overview of recommended destina-
Basic functions Enter home address.
Setting business address
The defiÄed destination of the business address is
displayed in the overview of recommended destina-
Basic functions Enter business address.
Switching demo mode on / off
In demo mode, the route guidance from the starting
point of the demo mode to the selected destination
is simulated.
When the function is switched on, Infotainment is-
sues a query before the start of route guidance as to
whether the route guidance should be carried out in
the normal way or in demo mode.
Tap on Basic functions Demo mode .
DefiÄiÄg the starting point of the demo mode
Select or locate the desired destination to be the
starting point of demo mode.
In the displayed destination details, tap More
Updating the navigation database
Information for updating the navigation database
must be requested from a ŠKODA partner.
Automatic update
Infotainment automatically carries out an update if
the following conditions are met:
The “Infotainment Online” online services are ac-
140 Online Services › ŠKODA Connect
Online Services
Terms of use of the ŠKODA Connect services
ŠKODA Connect
A main user is registered in the vehicle.
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
A user currently logged in is authorized to use the
The rights and obligations of the contracting parties
ŠKODA Connect services.
with regard to the provision of these services are
The protection level set for sending personal data
regulated in an independent agreement. Current le-
enables the use of ŠKODA Connect services.
gal documents regarding the ŠKODA Connect serv-
ices can be found on the ŠKODA Connect Portal and
Availability of the ŠKODA Connect services
the ŠKODA Connect application.
Availability depends on the following conditions:
Cellular networks through which the connection to
the ŠKODA Connect services is ensured are availa-
ŠKODA Connect services allow you to connect the
The availability, functioning, connection speed
vehicle to the online world. They thus represent an
and technology used in the mobile network can
extension of the vehicle and Infotainment functions.
be diffeÙeÄt in the respective countries and are
The ŠKODA Connect services are not part of the ve-
dependent on the mobile network operator.
hicle's equipment. These will be published separately
In areas where this is iÄsuffiŽieÄt signal, e.g. in un-
on the ŠKODA Connect Portal website, in the ŠKO-
derground garages, functionality may be limited.
DA Connect application or in Infotainment, if Info-
The ŠKODA Connect services are available for your
tainment allows this.
vehicle, infotainment and the respective country.
The offeÙ of ŠKODA Connect services depends on
The availability can be checked on the following
the type of vehicle and its trim level, Infotainment
ŠKODA Connect website:
and country.
ŠKODA Connect website
The ŠKODA Connect website contains e.g. the cur-
rent information on the ŠKODA Connect services,
the reference to the ŠKODA Connect Portal or the
option to download the ŠKODA Connect application.
Availability status of the ŠKODA Connect services
The website is opened after reading the following
The availability of the services is indicated by the col-
QR code or the reference:
our of the symbol in the status bar on the Infotain-
ment screen.
White - ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Grey - ŠKODA Connect services are not available.
ŠKODA Connect Portal website
ŠKODA Connect application
The ŠKODA Connect Portal website enables, for ex-
ample, user registration, ordering of ŠKODA Connect
services, service management or remote access to
ŠKODA Connect application
the vehicle.
The ŠKODA Connect application enables, for exam-
The website is opened after reading the following
ple, user registration, ordering of ŠKODA Connect
QR code or the reference:
services or remote access to the vehicle.
The application can be downloaded to the mobile de-
vice after scanning the following QR code or link:
Online Services › User registration and activation of the ŠKODA Connect services 141
Setting personal data protection
The user has one ŠKODA ID account linked to the
Personal data
The ŠKODA Connect services are active in the
Personal customer data is collected, processed and
used by ŠKODA AUTO in accordance with the provi-
sions of the generally binding legal provisions.
The current declaration on the protection of person-
User registration and activation of the
al data can be found on the following website:
ŠKODA Connect services
User registration will provide you with a ŠKODA ID
user account that can be used in all ŠKODA applica-
tions and services.
User registration for the ŠKODA Connect services
As a contracting party with regard to the use of the
can be done at the following locations.
ŠKODA Connect services, you must ensure the pro-
tection of personal data and the right to privacy.
ŠKODA Connect Portal website
ŠKODA Connect application
Inform the vehicle user and passengers that the vehi-
cle is transmitting user data and using localization
Infotainment which supports this function
services. Failure to provide information can violate
When registering, create an S-PIN.
the rights of vehicle users and passengers.
You will need the S-PIN to register for certain ŠKO-
Localisation services include, for example, informa-
DA Connect services as well as to register for the
tion on the last parking position, area ÄotifiŽatioÄ or
protected user account.
speed ÄotifiŽatioÄ.
If the passengers do not agree to the use of the lo-
calization services, switch off the services by setting
the respective protection level for personal data.
Register users in Infotainment
Switch on the Infotainment and in the displayed
welcome window tap Switch users Register and follow
the instructions on the screen.
User and vehicle data as well as information from the
localization services are sent when using the ŠKODA
New user Register and follow the in-
Connect services.
structions on the screen.
The level of protection for personal data set iÄĔueÄ-
To complete registration, access to the e-mail box
Žes what is sent.
entered during registration is required.
The set level of protection for personal data iÄĔueÄ-
Activate ŠKODA Connect services when register-
Žes data transmission using eSIM. This does not af-
ing the main user
fect data transmission of a device connected via
After the main user has been registered, the Info-
tainment prompts you to activate ŠKODA Connect
To complete the activation, it is necessary to have
two original vehicle keys with you.
The legally required services, e.g. emergency call,
cannot be switched off.
Follow the instructions in the Infotainment screen.
Every vehicle user can set the protection level of
Activate ŠKODA Connect services of another reg-
personal data.
istered user
Tap Become main user .
The level of protection of personal data is linked to
the user account. After the user has logged on, this is
Follow the instructions in the Infotainment screen.
set according to the level last set.
it is necessary to activate localisation services for the
full function of some ŠKODA Connect services.
142 Online Services › User management
Settings in the control centre
Information on the vehicle position is available on
the ŠKODA Connect Portal web pages and in the
Open the Infotainment
ŠKODA Connect application.
control centre by hold-
ing down the bar at the
Information transmission via eSim is switched on.
top of the screen and
All functions that require a connection via eSIM are
pulling it down.
Collection of anonymised data
When the protection level of personal data is set
Use location and Share my location the vehicle can collect
and send anonymised data to improve the services
of selected third parties.
It is exclusively anonymous data without any connec-
tion to the speŽifiŽ vehicle, the vehicle owner or oth-
er authorized users.
User management
Display example in Infotainment Amundsen
What you should be mindful of
Tapping the symbol displays a menu for setting
When buying an older vehicle with ŠKODA Connect
the protection level for personal data.
services, it is possible that the services are active and
the main user is the previous owner of the vehicle.
Tap Set-up in user management
The previous owner can still have the possibility to
Privacy and service management .
control the vehicle functions and receive information
Set the desired level of protection of personal da-
about the users and the vehicle.
Therefore, we recommend deleting the previous
Maximum privacy
main user. Then, log in with your own user account
All ŠKODA Connect services other than the serv-
and set yourself as the main user of the vehicle.
ices you are currently using are switched off.
If you register a new user and select yourself as the
All localization services are switched off. The vehi-
main user during registration, the previous main user
cle position information is not shared.
is automatically overwritten.
Information transmission via eSim is switched off.
The type of user and vehicle information to be
No online updates available.
sent can be iÄĔueĎed by setting the protection level
No location
of personal data.
All localization services ŠKODA Connect are
switched off. The vehicle position information is
not shared.
Information transmission via eSim is switched on.
User accounts
All functions that require a connection via eSIM are
User Management displays the accounts of the last
active users. The following activities can be carried
out in user management:
Use my position
Localisation services ŠKODA Connect are enabled.
Select a user account
Information on vehicle position is not provided to
Register user
other people.
Active ŠKODA Connect services
Information on the vehicle position is not available
Add and remove user accounts
on the ŠKODA Connect Portal web pages and in
Set the main users
the ŠKODA Connect application.
Set account security
Information transmission via eSim is switched on.
All functions that require a connection via eSIM are
Share my location
Localization services ŠKODA Connect are enabled.
The vehicle position information is available for all
services which need to know the vehicle’s position.
Online Services › User management 143
When you log in to a secure user account, enter
the S-PIN and ŽoÄfiÙm the login.
Main user
The main user provides a registered user with activa-
ted ŠKODA Connectservices and a vehicle associ-
Select the menu item for switching user.
ated with his account.
A menu containing available users is displayed.
The main user can take full advantage of the person-
If you are a new user tap New user to register the
alisation features.
The main user has full control over the settings and
Follow the instructions in the Infotainment screen.
operation of the vehicle.
Log in to the protected user account
All settings are saved in the main user's personal on-
Some user accounts can be protected. Protected ac-
line account.
counts are shown in the user list with the icon .
User with a ŠKODA Connect online account
To log in to the protected user account you need the
The user was not selected by the main user, but has
S-PIN created when creating the user account on
his own ŠKODA Connect online account.
the ŠKODA Connect Portal website, in the ŠKODA
Connect application or when registering the user in
The user can take full advantage of the personalisa-
tion features.
All settings are saved in the registered user's person-
al online account.
A guest account is anonymous and will in no way
synchronise with ŠKODA Connect services.
All changes to settings related to this account are
stored exclusively in the vehicle.
User name
The following conditions must be met for unlimited
Turn off logging in to the account using the S-PIN
use of the management of user accounts and their
Display of user account management
synchronization with online accounts:
Display information about the S-PIN
A main user with active ŠKODA Connect services
is registered in Infotainment.
Display information about restoring the S-PIN
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
User veÙifiŽatioÄ by entering the S-PIN can be
switched oÄ/off in the menu item
tect user profile Protect user profile with S-PIN will be switched
Log in user
Restore S-PIN
After switching on the ignition ignition and Infotain-
Your S-PIN can be restored on the ŠKODA Connect
ment are switched on, the introductory login screen
Portal website or in the ŠKODA Connect application.
for the last user account used is displayed.
After restoring the S-PIN, register again for the
The introductory log on screen cannot be skip-
correct functioning of the ŠKODA Connect appli-
ped. Without registering, the Infotainment cannot be
cation in the vehicle as the main user.
If you are the main user in several vehicles, register
oÄfiÙm the log-in.
again in each vehicle.
When you log in to a secure user account, enter
Log out user
the S-PIN and ŽoÄfiÙm the login.
Applies to Infotainment Bolero, Amundsen and Co-
Select the menu item for switching user.
When the ignition is switched off, the logout screen
is displayed, in which the selected vehicle functions
A menu containing available users is displayed.
can be viewed.
Select the desired account.
When the time interval expires, the logout screen is
switched of and the user is automatically logged off.
144 Online Services › Personalisation
The personalisation service is connected to the user
accounts. Any change to the set personalised func-
User management
tions is automatically stored in the active user ac-
If the vehicle is within range of a contractual mobile
phone network, personalisable settings are stored in
the ŠKODA ID online user account after the ignition
is switched off.
By registering for a user account in another ŠKODA
brand vehicle, the custom functions associated with
the user account are set according to vehicle type,
equipment and infotainment.
Details of the currently selected user
- A user account protected by the S-PIN
Applies to Infotainment Bolero, Amundsen and Co-
Switch to another user / enter a new user
Switch personalisation service on / off
Online synchronization of the user account with
Privacy settings and manage services .
information about the last synchronization
In the displayed list of online services, select the
service personalisation.
Tap Become main user
Switch the service off / on.
Tap Become main user and follow the in-
structions on the screen.
Delete user
Management of online services
To display the user accounts, tap
lete users .
To delete the user, select the user and ŽoÄfiÙm the
The following activities can be carried out in service
Deleting the main user account will delete the
Set protection of personal data
shared user accounts.
Show the list of available services
Delete the current user account
Receive information about the status of the serv-
Tap Delete user profile .
Receive information about the validity of the serv-
oÄfiÙm the deletion.
Delete all users
Switch the use of the services oÄ/off
Resetting the Infotainment to the factory settings
will delete all user accounts.
Turn on the ignition and switch on Infotainment.
Connection status of the online services
The connection status of the online services of ŠKO-
Restore factory settings select and ŽoÄfiÙm the reset.
DA Connect online services is indicated by an icon in
To check the factory reset was successful, we
the status bar on the Infotainment screen.
recommend that you check the deletion of the user
accounts and the main user account.
Applies to Infotainment Bolero, Amundsen and Co-
The personalisation service allows you to set, set and
The ŠKODA Connect online services are availa-
store vehicle settings.
Online Services › eSIM data connection 145
The ŠKODA Connect online services are not
countries, with the possibility of obtaining them, can
be found on the following website:
The set personal data protection level
Maximum privacy
No position data
Use my position
Share my position
Show ŠKODA Connect data packets
Data connection Data packets .
A main user with active ŠKODA Connect services
is registered in Infotainment.
The following information is displayed in the over-
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Overview of the plans purchased
Use of the data plans
The plan is valid
Show list of online services
The validity of the plan expires when the plan is
Tap Privacy settings and manage services .
fully used or when the period of validity expires.
Show details of services
Select the desired service from the list of online
Switch the use of the ŠKODA Connect services
Details about the service may contain the following
information and functions:
Data connection Integrated data connection (eSIM) .
Status of the service
Reason for the unavailability of the service
Name of the group of online services in which the
Online System Update
respective service is found
Expiry date of the service's validity
Switch use of the service oÄ/off
The online update enables software updates for the
connectivity control unit (OCU) and supported Info-
tainment type.
The Infotainment automatically indicates a possible
Switch oÄ/off use of the service
online update by showing a message on the Infotain-
Tap Privacy settings and manage services .
ment screen. Infotainment also offeÙs the option of
downloading the update or postponing the down-
Select the desired service from the list of online
services displayed.
load process.
Switch the desired service on / off.
Further information on online updates, their availabil-
ity in the respective countries, on supported vehicles
The use of the service applies to all user ac-
and Infotainment systems can be found on the fol-
counts. The service can only be used if it is available.
lowing website:
eSIM data connection
For ŠKODA Connect services, the prepaid e-SIM da-
ta connection for online services can be used.
If the download of the update is postponed, the
The data connection can be shared with another 8
option to download the update will be offeÙed again
connected devices using Wi-Fi.
the next time the ignition and Infotainment are
switched on.
Further information on the function of the data con-
nection, user registration, availability of the data con-
nection and on the overview of the data plans and
146 Online Services › Shop
Download update
If any of the following events occur while download-
Turn on the ignition and switch on Infotainment.
ing the update or during installation, please contact a
Follow the instructions and information displayed
service provider:
on the Infotainment screen.
A message appears in the Infotainment screen re-
oÄfiÙm the download in the Infotainment.
garding an incorrect download or installation of the
The download process can be cancelled at any time.
When the ignition is switched on again, the down-
The Infotainment screen goes out after switching
load process is automatically restored.
The emergency call indicator lamp lights up red.
The download time depends on the speed and quali-
ty of the mobile network, the file size, and the type
of update.
Install the update
The connectivity control unit (OCU) or Infotainment
In Infotainment in the Shop menu, the following ac-
may not function during installation.
tivities can be carried out
In this event, there are no emergency calls, no auto-
Order new functions and services
matic emergency calls in the event of an accident
Extend purchased functions and services
and none of the ŠKODA Connectservices will be
Buy subsequent ŠKODA Connect data plans
Install the update while the vehicle is stationary.
Devices connected via Wi-Fi can also access the
data plans.
P ark the vehicle safely.
S witch off the ignition.
Further information on the data plans can be found
oÄfiÙm the software installation on the Infotain-
on the following website:
ment screen.
The vehicle can be left while the installation contin-
Switch on the ignition and Infotainment after in-
stallation or return to the vehicle.
Check the message regarding successful installa-
The functions and services can be subject to a run-
tion on the Infotainment screen.
time limitation or even be unlimited.
The emergency call indicator light does not light
The functions and services that are purchased are
up during installation.
available to all vehicle users.
After a successful installation, the emergency call
The functions and services can also be purchased
indicator lamp lights up green.
later on the website ŠKODA Connect Portal.
The following conditions must be met for a success-
ful update:
Select the desired function or service from the list
The ignition and the Infotainment are switched
that is displayed.
The ŠKODA Connect services were activated in
the vehicle.
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
The availability of the services and functions de-
The vehicle has an internet connection.
pends on the vehicle and Infotainment type as well
The Maximum privacy is not set in the vehicle.
as being ŽouÄtÙû-speŽifiŽ.
The online update is available in the relevant
The following conditions must be met to activate
new services and functions:
The charge state of the 12-volt vehicle battery is
Infotainment supports the activation of new
services and functions.
Online Services › Information call 147
The vehicle trim level enables the use of new
Breakdown call
services or functions.
If a service or a function is linked to a trim level
that is not available with the vehicle, fiÄd out
The breakdown call can be used in the event of a
from a specialist garage whether the vehicle trim
can be added.
By pressing the key a connection is established
The main vehicle user is logged on.
with the ŠKODABreakdown Service. At the same
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
time, the vehicle sends information about the vehicle
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
condition and the vehicle position.
The charge state of the 12-volt vehicle battery is
An active data connection is required for certain
services or functions. The connection may be
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
The level of protection of personal data is not set
Activated services and functions are not linked to
to Maximum privacy .
the validity period of ŠKODA Connect services.
To send information about the position of the ve-
hicle, the protection level of personal data must
be set to Share my position .
The functions are linked to the vehicle, not to the
main user account. These cannot be transferred to
any other vehicle in which the user logs on.
Press the button.
Information call
The info call can be used if there are problems with
the ŠKODA Connectservices or for information re-
garding the products and services of the ŠKODA
Service schedules
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
The level of protection of personal data is not set
If the vehicle detects that a service visit is necessary,
to Maximum privacy .
it will automatically send this information to the
To send information about the position of the ve-
service partner of your choice.
hicle, the protection level of personal data must
The service partner will then contact you and sched-
be set to Share my position .
ule the service visit with you.
Press the button.
The service and the coupled functions are available
depending on the following conditions:
The service partner is chosen on the ŠKODA
Connect Portal website or in the ŠKODA Connect
The vehicle type, vehicle equipment and Infotain-
ment type are supported.
The level of protection of personal data is not set
to Maximum privacy .
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
148 Online Services › Vehicle status report
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Starting and driving
Vehicle status report
Notes on starting
The vehicle health report function enables the vehi-
Danger of poisoning by exhaust gases!
cle status to be tracked online.
Do not run the combustion engine in an enclosed
The service is in the ŠKODA Connect application is
Operating conditions
The available vehicle data includes, for example, the
The vehicle key is located in the vehicle interior.
distance travelled, selected warning messages or
service inspection requirements.
Risk of key loss, possibly of key damage!
The system can detect the key even if it has been
forgotten on the vehicle roof.
Always keep the key with you.
The service and the coupled functions are available
Switching the ignition on and off
depending on the following conditions:
Press the starter button.
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
The set protection level for personal data that en-
ables the required data to be sent.
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Secure the vehicle with the parking brake.
Remote access to the vehicle
Keep the brake pedal depressed.
Move the selector lever to position or .
Press the starter button.
The service relating to remote access to the vehicle
At temperatures above approx. -10°C and with a
offeÙs the possibility of remotely controlling certain
suffiŽieÄt state of charge of the high-voltage battery,
vehicle functions and accessing vehicle information.
only the electric motor will start up after starting.
Available functions include, for example, the follow-
The start of the electric motor is displayed as fol-
Trip overviews
At the same time, an audible signal is emitted.
NotifiŽatioÄ of the alarm triggering
The pointer of the power indicator moves to .
Localisation service ÄotifiŽatioÄs (e.g.location, area
In the instrument cluster display READY is displayed
or speed ÄotifiŽatioÄs)
in the status bar.
Vehicle search, using horn and ĔashiÄ£ signals
Remote-controlled vehicle locking and unlocking
With extremely low outdoor temperatures, the tem-
Operation of the auxiliary heating
perature of the high-voltage battery may drop so
low that it may no longer be possible to start the en-
Starting the engine again is only possible when the
The service and the coupled functions are available
temperature of the high-voltage battery has risen
depending on the following conditions:
The vehicle type, vehicle equipment and Infotain-
ment type are supported.
Danger of unexpected vehicle movement!
The set protection level for personal data that en-
At temperatures below -10°C, start the vehicle
ables the required data to be sent.
with the selector lever in the position.
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
Stopping the engine
The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Secure the vehicle with the parking brake.
Press the starter button.
Starting and driving › Starting issues 149
Automatic gearbox
Steering lock hazard!
During a journey with the engine stopped, the igni-
Lever positions
tion must always be switched on.
Parked vehicle
The drive wheels are
Starting issues
Only set the posi-
tion when the vehi-
cle is stationary.
Reverse gear
Danger of engine damage!
Do not start the vehicle by towing.
Only set the posi-
tion when the vehi-
The engine does not start
cle is stationary.
Switch off the ignition.
Wait 30 seconds and repeat the starting proce-
There is no transmission of engine power to the
If the engine does not start, use the jump start ca-
Forward drive/forward drive with recuperation
bles with the 12 volt vehicle battery of another ve-
The gear is changed automatically.
hicle » page 188 or seek the help of a specialist ga-
In mode, recuperation braking occurs when
driving downhill and when rolling to a stop. This
The engine does not start, the display shows a
will re-charge the high-voltage battery.
message regarding the immobilizer
The recuperation braking can also be done when
Use the other vehicle key.
pressing the brake pedal.
If the engine does not start, seek the help of a spe-
Choose between and
(spring-loaded posi-
cialist garage.
Starting is not possible with the starter button, the
Moving the selector lever out of the or position
system did not detect the key
lights up - the selector lever is locked
Press the brake pedal,
Press the starter but-
and at the same time,
ton with the key.
press the button in the
If the engine does not
selector lever.
start, seek the help of a
specialist garage.
The key might not be detected if the battery in
Risk of the stationary vehicle rolling away automati-
the key is nearly discharged or the signal is faulty.
The engine cannot be turned off with the starter
When the selector lever is in the
position, po-
sition or in manual shift mode, secure the vehicle
Hold the starter button or press twice.
with the brake.
The radiator fan keeps running even after the en-
gine has stopped
The radiator fan can continue to run for approxi-
mately 10 minutes after the engine is stopped. This
Starting up
is not a defect.
Keep the brake pedal depressed.
Start the engine.
The combustion engine makes noises after the
cold start
Press the button in the selector lever and set it to
the desired position.
The increased running noise is due to the bÙieĔû in-
creased engine speed. This is not a defect.
Release the brake pedal and press the accelerator
pedal lightly.
150 Starting and driving › Automatic gearbox
Speeding up while driving (kick-down)
certain time, manual shift mode turns off automati-
Fully depress the accelerator.
In the instrument cluster display
is displayed in
If the engine threatens to over-rev
the status bar.
The gearbox automatically changes to the next
higher gear.
Stopping temporarily (e.g. at a junction)
Leave the selector lever in the
position and se-
The transmission prevents changing to the next
lower gear.
cure the vehicle with the brake pedal.
Keep the brake pedal depressed.
Secure the vehicle with the parking brake.
The selector lever cannot be moved out of posi-
Press the button in the selector lever and set it to
tion in the normal way
the position.
Manually unlock the selector lever » page 150.
Turn off the engine.
Gearbox overheated
Driving in neutral
illuminates together with
If the system detects that no gear is engaged while
Message regarding the gearbox overheating
driving, it automatically switches to neutral position.
You may continue driving, exercising appropriate
will be displayed in the instrument cluster.
Requirements for driving in neutral position
illuminates together with
mode is chosen.
Message regarding the gearbox overheating
Neither the accelerator nor the brake pedal is
Stop driving! Stop the vehicle and stop the engine.
The vehicle speed is 20-130 km/h.
After the indicator light goes out, your journey can
There is no device connected to the trailer sock-
If the warning light does not go out, stop driving!
Seek the help of a specialist garage.
Manually switching gear with the selector lever
To turn on, put the selector lever in the
Gearbox impaired
to the right (to the left for right-hand drive vehi-
illuminates together with
Message regarding the gearbox in emergency
To turn off, put the selector lever back in the
You may continue driving, exercising appropriate
Changing up a gear
Immediately seek the help of a specialist garage.
Changing down a
illuminates together with
Message regarding a gearbox fault
Stop driving! Seek the help of a specialist garage.
Recuperation error
Message regarding a recuperation fault
Manually changing gear with the shift paddles on
Seek the help of a specialist garage.
the steering wheel
Starting up a vehicle that is stuck
Changing down a
Adjust the selector lever between
and . The
vehicle will then start to rock and be easier to free.
Changing up a gear
To switch on the shift
Manual release of automatic gearbox
paddle, press
- or
Secure the vehicle with the parking brake.
To turn off the shift
Open the stowage compartment in the front cen-
paddle, hold + .
tre console.
If none of the shift pad-
dles are pressed for a
Starting and driving › Vehicle driving mode 151
Insert a Ĕat-head
Individual mode
screwdriver or push a
similar tool into the
The Individual mode allows the individual ŽoÄfi£uÙa-
gap in the area of ar-
tioÄ of certain vehicle systems.
row A .
Carefully loosen and
lift the quadrant cover.
Select driving mode
Press the
In the Infotainment, a driving mode menu appears.
Press on the plastic
part in the direction of
the arrow and at the
same time press the
button on the selector
Put the selector lever
in position.
Information on the system settings of the cur-
Vehicle driving mode
rently selected mode/system settings for the se-
lected Individual mode
Driving mode menu
The driving mode offeÙs the possibility of adapting
Tap the relevant function surface B .
the driving behaviour to the desired driving style.
Press the
button again.
Sport mode can also be activated by pressing the
Information about the selected driving mode is dis-
played in the status bar in the Infotainment screen as
After switching on the ignition, Normal mode is
well as in the digital instrument cluster.
automatically selected.
Eco mode
Eco mode is suitable for a relaxed style of driving and
helps to save fuel.
Adaptive DCC suspension faulty
Comfort mode
illuminates together with
Comfort mode is suitable for driving on roads with
Drive on, exercising appropriate caution. Seek
poorer surface or for long motorway journeys.
the help of a specialist garage.
Normal mode
Select Drive
The Normal mode is suitable for a conventional driv-
Sport mode
Select drive and use high-voltage battery
Sport mode is suitable for a sporty driving style, and
Press the button.
this makes it possible to use the maximum power of
The following menu will be displayed.
the hybrid drive.
When switched on Sport mode lights up in the in-
strument cluster.
152 Starting and driving › Economical driving style
Economical driving style
Tips for economical driving and evaluation of
driving economy
Tips for economical driving
Avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking.
Use the mode of the automatic transmission to
decelerate. This will charge the high-voltage bat-
Avoid full acceleration and too high speeds.
Driving using electric drive
Turn off the engine for longer periods.
Observe the prescribed tyre pressure » page 196.
lights up in the instrument cluster
Remove unnecessary ballast.
Driving with hybrid drive - combination of elec-
Remove the roof rack when it is not needed.
tric and combustion engine
Switch on electric consumers only for as long as
Use of high-voltage battery
Energy is automatically drawn from the
Do not leave the windows open while driving.
high-voltage battery
Consumption-friendly driving
If, while driving, the system detects that no gear is
lights up in the instrument cluster
required, it automatically shifts to neutral. It there-
Manual setting of the desired state of
fore reduces fuel consumption.
charge of the high-voltage battery
lights up in the instrument cluster.
lights in the instrument cluster - the high-
voltage battery is charged
Towing a trailer
lights up in the instrument cluster - the
What you should be mindful of
state of charge of the high-voltage battery is
When driving with a trailer, special care is required!
lights up in the instrument cluster - the
high-voltage battery is discharged
With frequent towing, the vehicle is excessively loa-
ded so this must also be checked between service
Charging status of the high-voltage battery
If there is no check mark in the field C , the ar-
Recommendations for using a trailer
row keys E can be used to select the charging
Adjust the tyre pressure on the vehicle for full load.
status of the high-voltage battery to be kept by
Do not exceed the maximum permissible total
the system. This can lead to increased fuel con-
weight of the vehicle and the combination weight
speŽified in the technical vehicle documentation
(e.g. in the vehicle registration documentation, in
Requirements for driving with electric drive
the COC document) and on the type plate.
The high-voltage battery charging status is suffi-
For trailer operation, consider the current load con-
dition of the vehicle as well as the distribution of
The driving speed is lower than 140 km/h.
the load in the trailer. The coupled trailer increases
The Sport driving mode is not selected.
the rear axle load and can therefore reduce the
Other conditions are system-related and cannot be
Adjust the headlight range of the headlights ac-
At temperatures below -10 ° C, the electric drive
cording to the load status of the vehicle. The front
function may not be available.
of the vehicle may lift up when a trailer is being
towed and the headlights may dazzle other road
illuminated - one of the requirements for driving
with electric drive is not met
A speed of 100 km/h should not be exceeded.
Reduce the speed by releasing the accelerator
Requirements for driving with hybrid drive
pedal as soon as a pendulum movement of the
The amount of fuel in the fuel tank is suffiŽieÄt.
Starting and driving › Towing eye and towing procedure
trailer is noticeable. Never attempt to stop the
Distribution of the load over the vehicle and trailer
trailer from swaying by accelerating.
If the tÙaffiŽ area behind the trailer can not be
Secure heavy objects against slipping, as close to
viewed, install additional exterior mirrors.
the trailer axle as possible.
Apply the brakes in good time. If the trailer is fitted
Transport small and light objects in the luggage
with a trailer brake, apply the brakes gently at fiÙst,
then brake fiÙmlû. This will avoid brake jolts result-
ing from the trailer wheels locking.
Select a lower gear before descending to also use
the braking force of the engine.
Permitted trailer loads
The details in the technical vehicle documentation take precedence over the information in this Owner's Man-
Risk of an accident!
Do not exceed the permissible trailer load.
Permissible trailer load, braked (kg) a)
Permissible trailer load, unbraked (kg)
With gradients up to 12%.
Towing eye and towing procedure
Installing the towing eye
Screw in the towing
Towing lug
Removing the front cap
Insert the wheel
wrench or similar ob-
Press on the cap and
ject through the tow-
remove it.
ing eye.
Tighten the towing
After the towing process
Unscrew the towing eye.
Insert the cover cap.
Removing the rear cap
Press on the cap and
Towing the vehicle
remove it.
Risk of accident!
The tow rope must not be twisted.
When towing, drive at a speed of max. 50 km/h.

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