Subaru Legacy (2020 year). Instruction — part 2


北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24

ger and objects inside the vehi-


While riding in the vehicle, infants

and small children should always
be seated in the REAR seat in an
infant or child restraint system
which is appropriate for the
child’s age, height and weight. If
a child is too big for a child
restraint system, the child should
sit in the REAR seat and be
restrained using the seatbelts.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seating
positions than in the front seating
positions. Never allow a child to
stand up or kneel on the seat.


Place children in the REAR seat

properly restrained at all times in
a child restraint system or in a
seatbelt. The SRS airbag deploys
with considerable speed and
force and can injure or even kill
children, especially if they are not
restrained or improperly re-
strained. Because children are
lighter and weaker than adults,
their risk of being injured from
deployment is greater.






Always turn the child safety locks

to the “LOCK” position when
children sit in the rear seat.
Serious injury could result if a
child accidentally opens the door
and falls out. Refer to “Child
Safety Locks”


Always lock the passengers’ win-

dows using the lock switch when
children are riding in the vehicle.
Failure to follow this procedure
could result in injury to a child
operating the power window. Re-
fer to “Windows”


Never leave unattended children,

adults or animals in the vehicle.
They could accidentally injure
themselves or others through
inadvertent operation of the ve-
hicle. Also, on hot or sunny days,
temperature in a closed vehicle
could quickly become high en-
ough to cause severe or possibly
fatal injuries to them.


Help prevent children, adults or

animals from locking themselves
in the trunk. On hot or sunny

days, the temperature in the trunk
could quickly become high en-
ough to cause death or serious
heat-related injuries including
brain damage to anyone locked
inside, particularly for small chil-


When leaving the vehicle, close

all windows and lock all doors.
Also make certain that the trunk
is closed.

For instructions and precautions, carefully
read the following sections.

For the seatbelt system, refer to “Seat-

belts” FP46.

For the child restraint system, refer to

“Child Restraint Systems” FP57.

For the SRS airbag system, refer to

“SRS Airbag (Supplemental Restraint
System Airbag)” FP75.


Engine Exhaust Gas (Carbon



Never inhale engine exhaust gas.

Engine exhaust gas contains
carbon monoxide, a colorless
and odorless gas which is dan-
gerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.

Safety Precautions When Driving




北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24


Always properly maintain the en-

gine exhaust system to prevent
engine exhaust gas from entering
the vehicle.


Never run the engine in a closed

space, such as a garage, except
for the brief time needed to drive
the vehicle in or out of it.


Avoid remaining in a parked ve-

hicle for a long time while the
engine is running. If that is un-
avoidable, then use the ventila-
tion fan to force fresh air into the


Always keep the front ventilator

inlet grille free from snow, leaves
or other obstructions to ensure
that the ventilation system al-
ways works properly.


If at any time you suspect that

exhaust fumes are entering the
v e h i c l e , h a v e t h e p r o b l e m
checked and corrected as soon
as possible. If you must drive
under these conditions, drive
only with all windows fully open.


Keep the trunk lid or rear gate

closed while driving to prevent
exhaust gas from entering the


Drinking and Driving


Drinking and then driving is very
dangerous. Alcohol in the blood-
stream delays your reaction and
impairs your perception, judgment
and attentiveness. If you drive after
drinking – even if you drink just a
little – it will increase the risk of
being involved in a serious or fatal
accident, injuring or killing yourself,
your passengers and others. In
addition, if you are injured in the
accident, alcohol may increase the
severity of that injury.

Please don’t drink and drive.

Drunken driving is one of the most frequent
causes of accidents. Since alcohol affects
all people differently, you may have con-
sumed too much alcohol to drive safely
even if the level of alcohol in your blood is
below the legal limit. The safest thing you
can do is never drink and drive. However if
you have no choice but to drive, stop
drinking and sober up completely before
getting behind the wheel.


Drugs and Driving


There are some drugs (over the
counter and prescription) that can
delay your reaction time and impair
your perception, judgment and at-
tentiveness. If you drive after taking
them, it may increase your, your
passengers’ and other persons’ risk
of being involved in a serious or fatal

If you are taking any drugs, check with
your doctor or pharmacist or read the
literature that accompanies the medication
to determine if the drug you are taking can
impair your driving ability. Do not drive
after taking any medications that can make
you drowsy or otherwise affect your ability
to safely operate a motor vehicle. If you
have a medical condition that requires you
to take drugs, please consult with your

Never drive if you are under the influence
of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your
own health and well-being, we urge you
not to take illegal drugs in the first place
and to seek treatment if you are addicted
to those drugs.


Safety Precautions When Driving





北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24


Driving When Tired or Sleepy


When you are tired or sleepy, your
reaction will be delayed and your
perception, judgment and attentive-
ness will be impaired. If you drive
when tired or sleepy, your, your
passengers’ and other persons’
chances of being involved in a
serious accident may increase.

Please do not continue to drive but instead
find a safe place to rest if you are tired or
sleepy. On long trips, you should make
periodic rest stops to refresh yourself
before continuing on your journey. When
possible, you should share the driving with


Modification of Your Vehicle


Do not remove the genuine SUBARU
navigation and/or audio system.
Doing so could cause the following
functions to be inoperable.


Combination meter display (color



Rear view image and help lines


Vehicle settings


Climate control


Front seat heater and ventilation




Your vehicle should not be modified
other than with genuine SUBARU
parts and accessories. Other types
of modifications could affect its
performance, safety or durability,
and may even violate governmental
regulations. In addition, damage or
performance problems resulting
from modification may not be cov-
ered under warranties.


Use of Cell Phones/Texting
and Driving


Do not talk on a cell phone or text
while driving; it may distract your
attention from driving and lead to an
accident. If you use a cell phone to
talk or text, first pull off the road and
park in a safe place. In some States/
Provinces, it may be lawful to talk on

a phone while driving, but only if the
phone is hands-free.


Driving Vehicles Equipped
with Navigation System


Do not allow the monitor to distract
your attention from driving. Also, do
not operate the controls of the
navigation system while driving.
The loss of attention to driving could
lead to an accident. If you wish to
operate the controls of the naviga-
tion system, first take the vehicle off
the road and stop it in a safe


Driving with Pets

Unrestrained pets can interfere with your
driving and distract your attention from
driving. In a collision or sudden stop,
unrestrained pets or cages can be thrown
around inside the vehicle and hurt you or
your passengers. Besides, the pets can be
hurt under these situations. It is also for
their own safety that pets should be
properly restrained in your vehicle. Re-
strain a pet with a special traveling harness

Safety Precautions When Driving




北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24

which can be secured to the rear seat with
a seatbelt or use a pet carrier which can be
secured to the rear seat by routing a
seatbelt through the carrier’s handle.
Never restrain pets or pet carriers in the
front passenger’s seat. For further infor-
mation, consult your veterinarian, local
animal protection society or pet shop.


Tire Pressures

Check and, if necessary, adjust the pres-
sure of each tire and the spare (if
equipped) at least once a month and
before any long journey.

Check the tire pressure when the tires are
cold. Use a pressure gauge to adjust the
tire pressures to the values shown on the
tire placard. For detailed information, refer
to “Tires and Wheels” FP492.


Driving at high speeds with
excessively low tire pressures
can cause the tires to deform
severely and to rapidly be-
come hot. A sharp increase in
temperature could cause tread
separation, and destruction of
the tires. The resulting loss of

vehicle control could lead to
an accident.


On-Road and Off-Road Driv-

This vehicle is classified as a utility vehicle.
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
rollover rate than other types of vehicles.
Your vehicle has a higher ground clear-
ance and higher center of gravity, making it
more likely to roll over than ordinary
passenger cars. It also handles and
maneuvers differently from other passen-
ger cars. For this reason, please read
carefully the following section and follow
the instructions and precautions in order to
prevent serious injury or death due to loss
of control, rollover and other accidents.
Refer to “Off Road Driving” FP414.


Attaching Accessories



Do not attach any accessories,

labels or stickers (other than
properly placed inspection stick-
ers) to the windshield. Such
items may obstruct your view.


If it is necessary to attach an

accessory (such as an electronic
toll collection (ETC) device or
security pass) to the windshield,
consult your SUBARU dealer for
details on the proper location.

Safety Precautions When Driving





北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24


Cooling and Dehumidifying in
High Humidity and Low Tem-
perature Weather Condition

Under certain weather conditions (high
relative humidity, low temperatures, etc.) a
small amount of water vapor emission
from the air outlets may be noticed. This
condition is normal and does not indicate
any problem with the air conditioning


Air Conditioner Compressor
Shut-Off When Engine Is
Heavily Loaded

To improve acceleration and gas mileage,
the air conditioner compressor is designed
to temporarily shut off during air condi-
tioner operation whenever the accelerator
is fully depressed such as during rapid
acceleration or when driving on a steep


Refrigerant for Your Climate
Control System


Air conditioner label

Your air conditioner uses ozone friendly
refrigerant R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf).
Before adding, changing or checking the
refrigerant, check the air conditioner label
in the location shown in the illustration to
confirm which type of refrigerant is used in
your vehicle.
Consult your SUBARU dealer for service.
Repairs needed as a result of using the
wrong refrigerant are not covered under

4-8. Air Filtration System

Your vehicle’s air conditioning system is
equipped with an air filtration system.
Replace the cabin air filter according to
the replacement schedule found in the
“Warranty and Maintenance Booklet.” This
schedule should be followed to maintain
the filter’s dust collection ability. Under
extremely dusty conditions, the filter
should be replaced more frequently. Have
your filter checked or replaced by your
SUBARU dealer. For replacement, use
only a genuine SUBARU air filter kit.


Contact your SUBARU dealer if the
following occurs, even if it is not yet
time to change the filter.


Reduction of the airflow through

the vents.


Windshield gets easily fogged or



The filter can influence the air condi-
tioning, heating and defroster perfor-
mance if not properly maintained.


Air Filtration System







北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24


Replacing the Cabin Air Filter

1. Remove the glove box.

(1) Open the glove box.

(2) Remove the damper shaft from the
glove box.

(3) Push both sides of the glove box
inward to unlock the stoppers and then
pull down the glove box as far as it will

(4) Pull out the glove box horizontally
and remove the hinge portion. When
doing this, be careful not to damage
the hinge.

2. Remove the cabin air filter according to
the following procedure in order to prevent
dust on the air cleaner from falling to the
inside of its housing.

(1) Pinch both tabs and remove the
filter cover.
(2) Gently tilt down the end of the filter
and slowly pull it out 0.4 in (1 cm).
(3) Slowly pull out the rest of the filter.

Air Filtration System




北米Model "A2570BE-A" EDITED: 2019/ 5/ 24

3. Replace the cabin air filter with a new
one and then reinstall the cover.


The arrow mark on the filter must
point UP.

4. Reinstall the glove box, and connect
the damper shaft.
5. Close the glove box.

Air Filtration System






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