Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (2012 year). Manual — part 26

2. Remove one bolt from the underside of the vehicle.

3. Remove the side step assembly.

The Basics Of Off-Road Driving
You will encounter many types of terrain driving off-
road. You should be familiar with the terrain and area
before proceeding. There are many types of surface
conditions: hard-packed dirt, gravel, rocks, grass, sand,

mud, snow and ice. Every surface has a different effect on
your vehicle’s steering, handling and traction. Control-
ling your vehicle is one of the keys to successful off-road
driving, so always keep a firm grip on the steering wheel
and maintain a good driving posture. Avoid sudden
accelerations, turns or braking. In most cases, there are no
road signs, posted speed limits or signal lights. Therefore,
you will need to use your own good judgment on what is
safe and what is not. When on a trail, you should always
be looking ahead for surface obstacles and changes in
terrain. The key is to plan your future driving route while
remembering what you are currently driving over.


Never park your vehicle over dry grass or other
combustible materials. The heat from your vehicle
exhaust system could cause a fire.




Always wear your seat belt and firmly tie down
cargo. Unsecured cargo can become projectiles in an
off-road situation.

When To Use 4L (Low) Range
When off-road driving, shift into 4L (Low) for additional
traction and control on slippery or difficult terrain,
ascending or descending steep hills, and to increase low
speed pulling power. This range should be limited to
extreme situations such as deep snow, mud, steep in-
clines, or sand where additional low speed pulling power
is needed. Vehicle speeds in excess of 25 mph (40 km/h)
should be avoided when in 4L (Low) range.


Do not use 4L (Low) range when operating the
vehicle on dry pavement. Driveline hardware dam-
age can result.

Simultaneous Brake And Throttle Operation
Many off-road driving conditions require the simultane-
ous use of the brake and throttle (two-footed driving).
When climbing rocks, logs, or other stepped objects,
using light brake pressure with light throttle will keep the
vehicle from jerking or lurching. This technique is also
used when you need to stop and restart a vehicle on a
steep incline.




Driving In Snow, Mud And Sand

In heavy snow or for additional control and traction at
slower speeds, shift the transmission into a low gear and
the transfer case into 4L (Low) if necessary. Do not shift to
a lower gear than necessary to maintain headway. Over-
revving the engine can spin the wheels and traction will
be lost. If you start to slow to a stop, try turning your
steering wheel no more than a 1/4 turn quickly back and
forth, while still applying throttle. This will allow the
tires to get a fresh

⬙bite⬙ and help maintain your momen-



On icy or slippery roads, do not downshift at high
engine RPM or vehicle speeds, because engine brak-
ing may cause skidding and loss of control.

Deep mud creates a great deal of suction around the tires
and is very difficult to get through. You should use
second gear (manual transmission), or DRIVE (automatic
transmission), with the transfer case in the 4L (Low)
position to maintain your momentum. If you start to slow
to a stop, try turning your steering wheel no more than a
1/4 turn quickly back and forth for additional traction.
Mud holes pose an increased threat of vehicle damage
and getting stuck. They are normally full of debris from
previous vehicles getting stuck. As a good practice before
entering any mud hole, get out and determine how deep
it is, if there are any hidden obstacles and if the vehicle
can be safely recovered if stuck.

Soft sand is very difficult to travel through with full tire
pressure. When crossing soft, sandy spots in a trail,
maintain your vehicle’s momentum and do not stop. The
key to driving in soft sand is using the appropriate tire



pressure, accelerating slowly, avoiding abrupt maneu-
vers and maintaining the vehicle’s momentum. If you are
going to be driving on large soft sandy areas or dunes,
reduce your tire pressure to a minimum of 15 psi
(103 kPa) to allow for a greater tire surface area. Reduced
tire pressure will drastically improve your traction and
handling while driving on the soft sand, but you must
return the tires to normal air pressure before driving on
pavement or other hard surfaces. Be sure you have a way
to reinflate the tires prior to reducing the pressure.


Reduced tire pressures may cause tire unseating and
total loss of air pressure. To reduce the risk of tire
unseating, while at a reduced tire pressure, reduce
your speed and avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneu-

Crossing Obstacles
(Rocks And Other High Points)
While driving off-road, you will encounter many types of
terrain. These varying types of terrain bring different
types of obstacles. Before proceeding, review the path
ahead to determine the correct approach and your ability
to safely recover the vehicle if something goes wrong.
Keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel, bring the
vehicle to a complete stop and then inch the vehicle
forward until it makes contact with the object. Apply the
throttle lightly while holding a light brake pressure and
ease the vehicle up and over the object.


Crossing obstacles can cause abrupt steering system
loading which could cause you to loose control of
your vehicle.




Using A Spotter
There are many times where it is hard to see the obstacle
or determine the correct path. Determining the correct
path can be extremely difficult when you are confronting
many obstacles. In these cases, have someone guide you
over, through, or around the obstacle. Have the person
stand a safe distance in front of you where they can see
the obstacle, watch your tires and undercarriage, and
guide you through.

Crossing Large Rocks
When approaching large rocks, choose a path which
ensures you drive over the largest of them with your
tires. This will lift your undercarriage over the obstacle.
The tread of the tire is tougher and thicker than the side
wall and is designed to take the abuse. Always look
ahead and make every effort to cross the large rocks with
your tires.


Never attempt to straddle a rock that is large

enough to strike your axles or undercarriage.

Never attempt to drive over a rock which is large

enough to contact the door sills.

Crossing A Ravine, Gully, Ditch, Washout Or Rut
When crossing a ravine, gully, ditch, washout or a large
rut, the angled approach is the key to maintaining your
vehicle’s mobility. Approach these obstacles at a 45-
degree angle and let each tire go through the obstacle
independently. You need to use caution when crossing
large obstacles with steep sides. Do not attempt to cross
any large obstacle with steep sides at an angle great
enough to put the vehicle at risk of a rollover. If you get
caught in a rut, dig a small trench to the right or left at a
45-degree angle ahead of the front tires. Use the removed



dirt to fill the rut ahead of the turnout you just created.
You should now be able to drive out following the trench
you just created at a 45-degree angle.


There is an increased risk of rollover when crossing
an obstacle, at any angle, with steep sides.

Crossing Logs
To cross a log, approach it at a slight angle (approxi-
mately 10 to 15 degrees). This allows one front tire to be
on top of the log while the other just starts to climb the
log. While climbing the log, modulate your brake and
accelerator to avoid spinning the log out from under your
tires. Then ease the vehicle off the log using your brakes.


Do not attempt to cross a log with a greater diameter
than the running ground clearance or the vehicle will
become high-centered.

Getting High-Centered
If you get hung up or high-centered on an object, get out
of the vehicle and try to determine what the vehicle is
hung up on, where it is contacting the underbody and
what is the best direction to recover the vehicle. Depend-
ing on what you are in contact with, jack the vehicle up
and place a few rocks under the tires so the weight is off
of the high point when you let the vehicle down. You can
also try rocking the vehicle or winching the vehicle off
the object.





Winching or rocking the vehicle off hard objects
increases the risk of underbody damage.

Hill Climbing
Hill climbing requires good judgment and a good under-
standing of your abilities and your vehicle’s limitations.
Hills can cause serious problems. Some are just too steep
to climb and should not be attempted. You should always
feel confident with the vehicle and your abilities. You
should always climb hills straight up and down. Never
attempt to climb a hill on an angle.

Before Climbing A Steep Hill
As you approach a hill, consider its grade or steepness.
Determine if it is too steep. Look to see what the traction
is on the hill side trail. Is the trail straight up and down?
What is on top and the other side? Are there ruts, rocks,
branches or other obstacles on the path? Can you safely

recover the vehicle if something goes wrong? If every-
thing looks good and you feel confident, shift the trans-
mission into a lower gear with 4L (Low) engaged, and
proceed with caution, maintaining your momentum as
you climb the hill.

Driving Up Hill
Once you have determined your ability to proceed and
have shifted into the appropriate gear, line your vehicle
up for the straightest possible run. Accelerate with an
easy constant throttle and apply more power as you start
up the hill. Do not race forward into a steep grade; the
abrupt change of grade could cause you to lose control. If
the front end begins to bounce, ease off the throttle
slightly to bring all four tires back on the ground. As you
approach the crest of the hill, ease off the throttle and
slowly proceed over the top. If the wheels start to slip as
you approach the crest of a hill, ease off the accelerator
and maintain headway by turning the steering wheel no
more than a 1/4 turn quickly back and forth. This will



provide a fresh

⬙bite⬙ into the surface and will usually

provide enough traction to complete the climb. If you do
not make it to the top, place the vehicle in REVERSE and
back straight down the grade using engine resistance
along with the vehicle brakes.


Never attempt to climb a hill at an angle or turn
around on a steep grade. Driving across an incline
increases the risk of a rollover, which may result in
severe injury.

Driving Downhill
Before driving down a steep hill, you need to determine
if it is too steep for a safe descent. What is the surface
traction? Is the grade too steep to maintain a slow,
controlled descent? Are there obstacles? Is it a straight
descent? Is there plenty of distance at the base of the hill
to regain control if the vehicle descends to fast? If you feel

confident in your ability to proceed, then make sure you
are in 4L (Low) and proceed with caution. Allow engine
braking to control the descent and apply your brakes, if
necessary, but do not allow the tires to lock.


Do not descend a steep grade in NEUTRAL. Use
vehicle brakes in conjunction with engine braking.
Descending a grade too fast could cause you to lose
control and be seriously injured.

Driving Across An Incline
If at all possible, avoid driving across an incline. If it is
necessary, know your vehicle’s abilities. Driving across
an incline places more weight on the downhill wheels,
which increases the possibilities of a downhill slide or
rollover. Make sure the surface has good traction with
firm and stable soils. If possible, transverse the incline at
an angle heading slightly up or down.





Driving across an incline increases the risk of a
rollover, which may result in severe injury.

If You Stall Or Begin To Lose Headway
If you stall or begin to lose headway while climbing a
steep hill, allow your vehicle to come to a stop and
immediately apply the brake. Restart the engine and shift
into REVERSE. Back slowly down the hill allowing
engine braking to control the descent and apply your
brakes, if necessary, but do not allow the tires to lock.


If the engine stalls or you lose headway or cannot
make it to the top of a steep hill or grade, never
attempt to turn around. To do so may result in
tipping and rolling the vehicle, which may result in
severe injury. Always back carefully straight down a
hill in REVERSE gear. Never back down a hill in
NEUTRAL using only the vehicle brakes. Never
drive diagonally across a hill; always drive straight
up or down.

Driving Through Water
Extreme care should be taken crossing any type of water.
Water crossings should be avoided, if possible, and only
be attempted when necessary in a safe, responsible
manner. You should only drive through areas which are
designated and approved. You should tread lightly and
avoid damage to the environment. You should know



your vehicle’s abilities and be able to recover it if
something goes wrong. You should never stop or shut a
vehicle off when crossing deep water unless you ingested
water into the engine air intake. If the engine stalls, do
not attempt to restart it. Determine if it has ingested
water first. The key to any crossing is low and slow. Shift
into first gear (manual transmission), or DRIVE (auto-
matic transmission), with the transfer case in the 4L
(Low) position and proceed very slowly with a constant
slow speed {3 to 5 mph (5 to 8 km/h) maximum} and
light throttle. Keep the vehicle moving; do not try to
accelerate through the crossing. After crossing any water
higher than the bottom of the axle differentials, you
should inspect all of the vehicle fluids for signs of water


Water ingestion into the axles, transmission, trans-

fer case, engine or vehicle interior can occur if you
drive too fast or through too deep of water. Water
can cause permanent damage to engine, driveline
or other vehicle components, and your brakes will
be less effective once wet and/or muddy.

This vehicle is capable of crossing through water

at a depth of 30 inches (76 cm) at speeds no greater
than 5 mph (8 km/h). Water ingestion can occur
causing damage to your vehicle.

Before You Cross Any Type Of Water
As you approach any type of water, you need to deter-
mine if you can cross it safely and responsibly. If neces-
sary, get out and walk through the water or probe it with
a stick. You need to be sure of its depth, approach angle,
current and bottom condition. Be careful of murky or




muddy waters; check for hidden obstacles. Make sure
you will not be intruding on any wildlife, and you can
recover the vehicle if necessary. The key to a safe crossing
is the water depth, current and bottom conditions. On
soft bottoms, the vehicle will sink in, effectively increas-
ing the water level on the vehicle. Be sure to consider this
when determining the depth and the ability to safely

Crossing Puddles, Pools, Flooded Areas Or Other
Standing Water
Puddles, pools, flooded or other standing water areas
normally contain murky or muddy waters. These water
types normally contain hidden obstacles and make it
difficult to determine an accurate water depth, approach
angle, and bottom condition. Murky or muddy water
holes are where you want to hook up tow straps prior to
entering. This makes for a faster, cleaner and easier
vehicle recovery. If you are able to determine you can
safely cross, than proceed using the low and slow method.


Muddy waters can reduce the cooling system effec-
tiveness by depositing debris onto the radiator.

Crossing Ditches, Streams, Shallow Rivers Or
Other Flowing Water
Flowing water can be extremely dangerous. Never at-
tempt to cross a fast running stream or river even in
shallow water. Fast moving water can easily push your
vehicle downstream, sweeping it out of control. Even in
very shallow water, a high current can still wash the dirt
out from around your tires putting you and your vehicle
in jeopardy. There is still a high risk of personal injury
and vehicle damage with slower water currents in depths
greater than the vehicle’s running ground clearance. You
should never attempt to cross flowing water which is
deeper than the vehicle’s running ground clearance. Even



the slowest current can push the heaviest vehicle down-
stream and out of control if the water is deep enough to
push on the large surface area of the vehicle’s body.
Before you proceed, determine the speed of the current,
the water’s depth, approach angle, bottom condition and
if there are any obstacles. Then cross at an angle heading
slightly upstream using the low and slow technique.


Never drive through fast moving deep water. It can
push your vehicle downstream, sweeping it out of
control. This could put you and your passengers at
risk of injury or drowning.

After Driving Off-Road
Off-road operation puts more stress on your vehicle than
does most on-road driving. After going off-road, it is
always a good idea to check for damage. That way you
can get any problems taken care of right away and have
your vehicle ready when you need it.

• Completely inspect the underbody of your vehicle.

Check tires, body structure, steering, suspension, and
exhaust system for damage.

• Inspect the radiator for mud and debris and clean as


• Check threaded fasteners for looseness, particularly on

the chassis, drivetrain components, steering, and sus-
pension. Retighten them, if required, and torque to the
values specified in the Service Manual.




• Check for accumulations of plants or brush. These

things could be a fire hazard. They might hide damage
to fuel lines, brake hoses, axle pinion seals, and
propeller shafts.

• After extended operation in mud, sand, water, or

similar dirty conditions, have the radiator, fan, brake
rotors, wheels, brake linings, and axle yokes inspected
and cleaned as soon as possible.


Abrasive material in any part of the brakes may cause
excessive wear or unpredictable braking. You might
not have full braking power when you need it to
prevent a collision. If you have been operating your
vehicle in dirty conditions, get your brakes checked
and cleaned as necessary.

• If you experience unusual vibration after driving in

mud, slush or similar conditions, check the wheels for
impacted material. Impacted material can cause a
wheel imbalance and freeing the wheels of it will
correct the situation.

The standard power steering system will give you good
vehicle response and increased ease of maneuverability
in tight spaces. The system will provide mechanical
steering capability if power assist is lost.

If for some reason the power assist is interrupted, it will
still be possible to steer your vehicle. Under these condi-
tions, you will observe a substantial increase in steering
effort, especially at very low vehicle speeds and during
parking maneuvers.




• Increased noise levels at the end of the steering wheel

travel are considered normal and do not indicate that
there is a problem with the power steering system.

• Upon initial start-up in cold weather, the power steer-

ing pump may make noise for a short amount of time.
This is due to the cold, thick fluid in the steering
system. This noise should be considered normal, and it
does not in any way damage the steering system.


Continued operation with reduced power steering
assist could pose a safety risk to yourself and others.
Service should be obtained as soon as possible.


Prolonged operation of the steering system at the end
of the steering wheel travel will increase the steering
fluid temperature and it should be avoided when
possible. Damage to the power steering pump may

Power Steering Fluid Check
Checking the power steering fluid level at a defined
service interval is not required. The fluid should only be
checked if a leak is suspected, abnormal noises are
apparent, and/or the system is not functioning as antici-
pated. Coordinate inspection efforts through an autho-
rized dealer.





Do not use chemical flushes in your power steering
system as the chemicals can damage your power
steering components. Such damage is not covered by
the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.


Fluid level should be checked on a level surface and
with the engine off to prevent injury from moving
parts and to ensure accurate fluid level reading. Do
not overfill. Use only manufacturer’s recommended
power steering fluid.

If necessary, add fluid to restore to the proper indicated
level. With a clean cloth, wipe any spilled fluid from all
surfaces. Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts”
in “Maintaining Your Vehicle” for further information.

Before leaving the vehicle, make sure that the parking
brake is fully applied. Also, be certain to leave an
automatic transmission in PARK, or manual transmission
in REVERSE or first gear.

The parking brake lever is located in the center console.
To apply the parking brake, pull the lever up as firmly as
possible. To release the parking brake, pull the lever up
slightly, press the center button, then lower the lever



When the parking brake is applied with the ignition
switch ON, the “Brake Warning Light” in the instrument
cluster will illuminate.


• When the parking brake is applied and the automatic

transmission is placed in gear, the “Brake Warning
Light” will flash. If vehicle speed is detected, a chime
will sound to alert the driver. Fully release the parking
brake before attempting to move the vehicle.

• This light only shows that the parking brake is ap-

plied. It does not show the degree of brake application.

When parking on a hill, it is important to turn the front
wheels toward the curb on a downhill grade and away
from the curb on an uphill grade. For vehicles equipped
with an automatic transmission, apply the parking brake
before placing the shift lever in PARK, otherwise the load
on the transmission locking mechanism may make it
difficult to move the shift lever out of PARK. The parking
brake should always be applied whenever the driver is
not in the vehicle.

Parking Brake




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